Tribute, famous craftsman spirit! !! !!



Tribute, famous craftsman spirit! !! !!

  • Categories:Industry News
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2019-11-28 15:11

Tribute, famous craftsman spirit! !! !!

  He is the pioneer who overcomes the thorns, chooses one thing, and makes his "artisanship" inherit forever.

  2On February 27, 2019, Mr. Zhang Nianqing, chairman of Zhengzhou Mingyang Window Decoration Materials Co., Ltd., was interviewed by a CCTV reporter.

  Chairman Zhang has been involved in the curtain industry since 1992. Over the past 27 years, with his proficiency in curtain products and accurate grasp of the market direction, he has led famous window decoration employees to promote products from domestic to international, from obscurity to fame at home and abroad. Chairman Zhang devoted his whole life to the development of the curtain industry, and vowed to make Ming Yang window decoration into an international first-class company. Famous window decoration, always be the leader in the window decoration industry!

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